Tuesday, 7 March 2017


  1. A disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood. If left untreated, 
    high blood glucose levels can cause serious health complications.

    Type one diabetes is an autoimmune condition where the dose attacks and destroys insulin producing sells, where no insulin is being produced. With insulin not being produced it causes glucose to quickly rise in the blood. Nobody knows exactly why his happens, but scientist tell us that is nothing to do with the diet or the lifestyle. With about ten percent of people have type one diabetes.

    Type two diabetes, Is where the body doesn't make enough insulin, or the insulin doesn't work properly, where the glucose is building in the blood. Type two is cause by complex genetics and environmental factors. With about fifty eight percent of type two diabetes can be delayed and prevented thought a healthy lifestyle. With about 90 percent of people have type two diabetes.

    To learn how to control your diabetes click the click here like to get the. THE DIABETES LOOPHOLE ebook.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Can you be a healthy vegan.

As everyday goes past many will ask others or themselves could you go vegan taking meat and dairy out of my diet some will say i couldn't do that i need dairy and meat in day to day diet. But as the days go past many of us are going vegan for the healthy life.

Other will question where you get the vital vitamins and minerals that your body needs.

You can get iron from vegetables such as.
  1. Spinach
  2. Brussels sprouts
  3. Soy beans
  4. Lentils
  5. Pinto beans
  6. Arugula
  7. Collard greens
  8. Prune juice
  9. Potatoes
You can get calcium from vegetables such as.
  1. Kale
  2. Turnip greens
  3. Mustard greens
  4. Watercress
  5. Pak choi
  6. Butter squash
  7. Sweet potatoes
  8. Fennel
  9. Okra
You can get omega 3 oils such as.
  1. Canola oil
  2. Cod liver oil
  3. Flaxseed oil
  4. Mustard oil
  5. Soybean oil
  6. Walnut oil
You can find proteins in 
  1. Buckwheat
  2. Beans
  3. Nuts
  4. Hummus and Pita
  5. Soy
  6. Quinoa
There is many places that you can get the vitamins and minerals for your body and these short list that i have put ain't the only places the list are bigger. So you can be a vegan and know that your body ain't going to lack of and vital goodness that it needs.This means vegans have a lower risk of heart disease, May life longer, Type two diabetes and high blood pressure.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Home made syrups for chesty cough.

Swede and Sugar...

Get yourself a swede cut it down the middle in to have and then you will want to get some sugar and can over the swede that you have just cut in two. With the to insides of swede covered with sugar don't be shy with the sugar because you are going to leave this for 4 - 6 hours or over night and the sugar and swede will make a syrup and you can even use this on your children and this will help clear up the mucous. 1-2 teaspoons

Raw Honey...

If you have a cough that is consistent and you can't do and anything but uncontrollable cough all day and even while you are trying to sleep or just have a cough you can use raw honey. With honey have enzymes and having antibacterial properties this will help shorten you how long you cough if its a bacterial illness take 1 tablespoon three times a day. Adults and children can use this.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Why ain't we reluctant to help others.

Why ain't we reluctant to help others...

No matter whats the situation is weather it 
  1. Can't afford to pay bills (Rent, Food, Car insurance or a good night out)
  2. If there is a person in the street not in good health.
  3. Share information and knowledge.
  4. Many more.
We as people will just think well they have got themselves in to that situation and not help may of us will help out and help then get the help they need or until they get back on there feet.

I put a post a while ago about helping others make gains weather that was in the gym or keeping to a healthy diet. But i didn't get any response of anyone who viewed my post i know you don't have to share you success. I don't see why not though because many for you are self centred or shall i say stuck up your own arse and will compare yourself to them. Not thinking to yourself what is their circumstances weather its good for worse. 

Female and males not saying we all do this but many of us do look at someone because they ain't in the designer clothes and shoe and think they are claiming benefits or haven't got the drive to do it not thinking there might be a reason be hide that person situation. If the person is fat or thin many will say i could live like that if i was like that i would have to do something about that don't you think they want to do something about it but they can't don't know where to start or have know one to turn to, to ask how to do it with the situation they are in.

You have others that feel insecure with how they look and don't feel positive energy within themselves day to day so they settle for next to nothing because they don't feel like they deserve better. We should all help each one another  be happy with in ourselves even if you know the person or not knowledge is power so share is you have the power to make someone lover there life.

All i was asking to share how to gain weight, muscle, workout routines and diet plans to gain and loose weight because there are so many bullshit products this a picture of a body builder on a tube saying basically take this and you will look like this. Others searching the web for work out routines thinking that is good enough with there poor none healthy diet. But certain people don't believe things work because it's just a company sell a product to make money and give up in what they set out to do. So personal experience is better and more powerful information.

Some will look and think why are these pictures but in this post. Well the reason i have put the in some people will look and want a body that looks like the top two picture and some where along the lines going all they can't get to the goal. 

The bottom two many of us fantasise over what to be perfect wife, husband or partner but don't have the confidence to go out and find what they are looking for because they are so run down and don't have a positive vibe in their body to even try.

The benefits of avocado.

The benefits of avocado.

Avocados are a kind of large berry that's native to Mexico in central America. They are a rather unique type of fruit many fruits consist of carbohydrates, where avocados are high in healthy fats.

  • Vitamin K : 29% of the RDA
  • Vitamin C : 17% of the RDA
  • Vinamin B5 :14% of the RDA
  • Vitamin B6 : 13% of the RDA
  • Vitamin E : 10% of the RDA
  • Folate : 20% of the RDA
  • Potassium : 14%of the RDA
Avocados don't contain any cholesterol sodium and are low in saturated fats. Potassium is a nutrient that people ain't getting enough of adding more to more of this to your diet it will help to maintain electrical gradient in the body's cells and helps important functions.

They are loaded with fiber, Fiber is indigestible plant matter that can contribute to weight loss, reducing blood sugar levels and is strongly linked to a lower risk of many diseases.

  • Reduces total cholesterol levels significantly.
  • Reduces blood triglycerides from up to 20%.
  • Lowers LDL cholesterol from up to 22%.
  • Increases HDL cholesterol by 11%

  • May reduce risk factors for heart disease.
  • Contributes to 8% of daily fiber.
  • Aids in stabilising blood sugars.
  • Source of naturally good fats.
  • Great source of potassium.
  • Maintains a healthy heart.
  • Boost's your immune system.
  • Makes your skin glow.
  • Anti-Inflammatory.
  • Anti-Aging.

Monday, 18 April 2016


STOP running to your doctor...

Why is it many of us will go to are doctor for any simple reason like the normal common cold or the flu. Is it because we are told that a common cold lasts for a week so if it hasn't gone by then we need to go to the doctors because we are dying. The flu makes you feel worser than the common cold and yet again many of us still run to the doctors thinking that they can help. Knowing all they are going to give you is paracetamol and you walk away thinking is that they ain't going to help you and feel like they don't care for you or you needs.


When we can help our selfs go to the shopping centre and pick up some paracetamol for under one pound. but if you thing of how much a prescription cost you can more for what that cost if you spend the money yourself for things like lemsips, night nurse and more even stuff for homie remedies that you mum or grandparents gave you when you was ill when you was younger me personally think the home remedies are the best.

If every one didn't got to their doctors for the simplest of illness and went for serious of illness i think you would appreciate the treatment you will get when you ill with a serious illness. This is not aimed at the elderly or the peoples who body can't fight of colds but at the people who can't fight off a cold or a flu. Let your body do what it's designed to do and stop putting the designed drugs in your body that allow your body to do minimum fight and the drug does all the hard work.

We all see the NHS like this in the uk.

But in theory we run to them for the simplest for things and they can't do nothing for you because we have the commonest of illness. So you have to look at it that like this it's your own fault the NHS make you feel like you are just a pound sign to them.

TRY to look at life in a different life before science, doctors and technology making the world as we see it today with more resources. Just think if a cave man can live with out scientific medication so can we i am not saying if you are really ill not to go to the doctors.

Everyone is has there own view and i would like to hear your opinion...


Getting to know your ABDOMEN

Knowing your abdomen...

Abdomen - part of the body below the thorax (chest cavity); separated by the diaphragm.

Appendix - blind ended pouch. 

Autonomic nervous system – part of the nervous system responsible for functions we are not consciously aware of, such as heart rate and digestion.

Aponeurosis – thin, flat fibrous sheath that replaces tendon for thin flat muscles.

Bile - yellow/brown fluid produced and secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Aids digestion of lipids. 

Conjoint tendon – the posterior wall of the inguinal canal directly behind the superficial inguinal ring formed by the union of the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles. 

CT – computerised topography. A method of using x-rays to examine the internal structures by rotating the x-ray source around the body.

Dorsal – this term relates to the ‘back’ of an organism. For humans this is similar to ‘posterior’ and is used more when describing embryological development. 

Distal – far from the centre of the body or point of attachment. For example, the wrist is distal to the elbow.

Duodenum - the first part of the small intestine. It is continuous with the stomach and jejunum (second part of the small intestine), so food will pass from stomach to duodenum to jejunum. 

Duodenal papillae - small round elevations in the mucosa of the second part of the duodenum. There are two duodenal papillae, major and minor. The major papilla is also known as the ‘Papilla of Vater’. The major duodenal papilla is where the ampulla of Vater (joining of pancreatic duct and common bile duct) opens into the duodenum, allowing bile and enzymes to be delivered to facilitate digestion. The minor duodenal papilla allows the accessory pancreatic duct to drain enzymes into the duodenum. It is also in the second part of the duodenum, 2cm proximal to the major papilla. 

Enteric nervous system – similar to the autonomic nervous system, a mesh of neurones 
embedded in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Responsible for digestive function. 

Foregut – the first part of the digestive system, from the mouth to the duodenal papillae in the 2nd part of the duodenum. 

Gall bladder – a pouch like structure that stores bile. 

Ganglia – a collection of nerve cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system. 

Greater omentum – a double layer of peritoneum that extends from the stomach to the transverse colon, spleen and diaphragm. Comprised of the gastrocolic, gastrosplenic and gastrophrenic ligaments. The gastrocolic ligament is usually synonymous with the greater omentum and has an important role in acting as a heat insulator and can help limit the spread of infection. It is often referred to as the policeman of the abdomen. 

Hernia – protrusion of an organ/tissue from its normal position through the wall that contains it (i.e., inguinal hernia – fat or bowel covered in peritoneum passes through a weakened portion of the abdominal wall in the inguinal region). 

Hindgut – distal 1/3rd of transverse colon to pectinate line in the anal canal. 

Histology - the study of tissue structure using stains and microscopy. 

Inguinal – groin region. 

Inguinal canal – a pair of oblique passageway on either side of the abdomen formed from the complex arrangement of anterior abdominal wall muscles. It permitted the testes to pass from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum during development. 

Inguinal ligament – the inferior free edge of the external oblique muscle. It forms the floor of the inguinal canal. 

Interdigitate - the interlocking arrangement of the aponeuroses from the anterior abdominal wall muscles in the midline. 

Intraperitoneal organ – an organ that is surrounded by peritoneum and is typically suspended from the posterior abdominal wall by a peritoneal ligament of mesentery (double layer of mesentery).

Kidneys – a paired organ that is positioned along the posterior abdominal wall either side of the aorta. The kidneys are responsible for maintaining the acid-water balance of the body. 

Large intestine – the portion of the gastrointestinal tract that is continuous with the ileum of the small intestines. It consists of the caecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon. 

Lesser omentum – a double layer of peritoneum that passes from the lesser curvature of the stomach and duodenum to the liver. Comprised of the hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal ligaments. 

Liver – the largest gland of the body located within the right hypochodirum and epigastrium of the abdomen. It carries out a number of important functions related to metabolism and digestion. 

Mesentery – a double layer of peritoneum that suspends an organ from the posterior abdominal wall. 

Midgut - 2nd part of the duodenum (distal to the duodenal papillae) to 2/3rds of the transverse colon. 

Oesophagus – a muscular tube that extends from the throat (pharynx) to the stomach. 

Papillae - a small rounded elevation. 

Pancreas – a leaf shaped gland that is positioned posterior to the stomach. It has exocrine and endocrine functions. 

Peritoneal ligament – a double layer of peritoneum that passes between the organs or from an organ to the abdominal wall. 

Peritoneum – a serous membrane that lines the abdominal walls (parietal peritoneum) and organs (visceral peritoneum). 

Plexus - a network of autonomic nerve fibres. 4

Porta hepatis – an opening on the visceral surface of the liver that contains the hepatic portal vein, hepatic artery and hepatic ducts. 

Portal triad – the collective name for the hepatic portal vein, hepatic artery and bile duct within the free-edge of the hepatoduodenal ligament. 

Posterior - towards the back of the body. For example, the spine is posterior to the heart. 

Proximal – close to the centre of the body or point of attachment. For example, the knee is proximal to the ankle. 

Rectus sheath - the arrangement of aponeuroses around the rectus abdominis muscle. 

Renal pelvis – the dilated proximal portion (beginning) of the ureter that passes through the renal hilum. 

Retroperitoneal organ – an organ that has a covering or peritoneum over its anterior surface only and is not suspended. 

Small intestines – the portion of the gastrointestinal tract that is continuous with the stomach. It consists of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. 

Splanchnic nerve – a nerve associated with the autonomic nervous system (i.e., parasympathetic or sympathetic). 

Spleen – an ovoid shaped organ located in the left hypochondrium. Involved in the immune response, filtering dead red blood cells and acts as a reservoir of blood. 

Stomach - a J-shaped muscular bag that is the direct continuation of the oesophagus and leads to the duodenum. It is composed of the cardia, fundus, body and pylorus. It is responsible for mechanically churning the food and via the gastric juice begins the chemical breakdown of the ingested food into a semi-liquid chyme. 

Superior – this term relates to a structure being higher in the vertical plane. For example, the head is superior to the neck. 

Suprarenal gland – a paired gland that is associated with the superior pole of each kidney. Each gland has an outer cortex and an inner medulla. The cortex releases corticosteroids. The medulla release adrenaline and noradrenaline.

Thorax – the chest cavity, separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm. 

Umbilicus – the ‘belly button’, where the umbilical cord was attached to the foetus. 

Ventral – this term relates to the ‘belly’ of an organism. For humans this is similar to ‘anterior’ and is used more when describing embryological development. 

Vagus – the tenth cranial nerve that provides parasympathetic innervation to the foregut and midgut.